Thanks to the Ohio Township Association for inviting Resource Solutions to speak at winter conference and to everyone who attended yesterday's session on whole community planning. Townships are a vital part of the emergency planning process. If you aren't already involved in planning in your county, I hope yesterday's session gave you some ideas on where to begin. If you'd like further information, don't hesitate to reach out. ~Lauren
Here are links to the presentation materials and FEMA documents I referenced in the session.
Whole Community Planning: What it Means to Partner Up Presentation - January 28, 2016
Whole Community Planning Handout - January 28, 2016
A Whole Community Approach to Emergency Management, FEMA, December 2011
Plan Integration: Linking Local Planning Efforts, FEMA, July 2015
Here are links to the presentation materials and FEMA documents I referenced in the session.
Whole Community Planning: What it Means to Partner Up Presentation - January 28, 2016
Whole Community Planning Handout - January 28, 2016
A Whole Community Approach to Emergency Management, FEMA, December 2011
Plan Integration: Linking Local Planning Efforts, FEMA, July 2015